Impaired hearing

In the next post you can download a presentation which includes useful and relevant information when dealing with impaired hearing. We hope you like it and find it useful.

You may view or download it below with just one click

Impaired hearing

* Mendoza, N. (2009). Propuestas prácticas de educación física inclusiva para la etapa de secundaria. Zaragoza – INDE.ONCE (2002). Deportes para personas ciegas y deficientes visuales. Madrid: Autor.

* Reina. R. (2010). La actividad física y el deporte adaptado ante el espacio europeo de enseñanza superior. Sevilla-Wanceulen.

* Rios, M. (2003). Manual de educación física adaptada al alumnado con discapacidad.Barcelona – Paidotribo.

* Toro, S. y Zarco, J. (1995). Educación física para niños y niñas con necesidades educativas especiales. Málaga-Aljibe.

Badminton programs.

Physical activity through educational, recreational and competitive badminton contents to us as a valid reason to fight a long list of deficiencies that call into question the happiness and welfare of persons with disabilities alternative, given that, minimum levels of fitness and coordination can be acquired gradually and with the fluidity that allows the enjoyment and practice since the beginning of the activity, the minimum skills for its implementation.

In this way, we will analyze the conditions for the implementation of badminton programs tailored to the needs of the physically disabled.

Alpine skiing and its rules

Alpine skiing is practiced worldwide and features seven disciplines: downhill, slalom, giant slalom, super-G, super combined, team events and most recently snowboard. Athletes combine speed and agility while racing down slopes at speeds of around 100km/h.

Competition accommodates male and female athletes with a physical impairment such as spinal injury, cerebral palsy, amputation, les autres conditions and blindness/visual impairment.

Athletes compete in three categories based on their functional ability, and a results calculation system allows athletes with different impairments to compete against each other.

Skiers with blindness/visual impairment are guided through the course by sighted guides using signals to indicate the course to follow. Some athletes use equipment that is adapted to their needs including single ski, sit-ski or orthopaedic aids.

You may view or download it below with just one click:



Official Website of the Paralympic Movement • IPC. Retrieved on April 28 in:

Description and analysis of visual disability

In the next post you can download a presentation which includes useful and relevant information when dealing with people who has a intellectual disability. We hope you like it and find it useful.

You may view or download it below with just one click

Visual disability

* Mendoza, N. (2009). Propuestas prácticas de educación física inclusiva para la etapa de secundaria. Zaragoza – INDE.ONCE (2002). Deportes para personas ciegas y deficientes visuales. Madrid: Autor.

* Reina. R. (2010). La actividad física y el deporte adaptado ante el espacio europeo de enseñanza superior. Sevilla-Wanceulen.

* Rios, M. (2003). Manual de educación física adaptada al alumnado con discapacidad. Barcelona – Paidotribo.

* Toro, S. y Zarco, J. (1995). Educación física para niños y niñas con necesidades educativas especiales. Málaga-Aljibe.

Physical-sports activities in the hearing impaired

Then you can watch a presentation where relevant information on the physical-sports activities hearing impaired is available.

You may view or download it below with just one click

hearing impairmentdiscapacidad auditiva

Ríos, M. (2003).  Manual de Educación Física Adaptada al alumnado con discapacidad. Barcelona – Paidotribo.

Mendoza, N. (2009).  Propuestas Prácticas de Educación Física inclusiva Para La Etapa de secundaria.  Zaragoza – INDE.

Features that make the paddle ideally suited for working with groups with disabilities.

– Pitch: small, with one or two inputs, which prevents the dispersion of the student and helps focus attention.

– Lots of tools with many possibilities of varying size  weight facilitates effective adaptation by type of disability.

– Ability to use a lot of phones with different size, color, weight, which makes it easier to practice.

– Ability to include a lot of adjustments.




Physical activity for people with mental health problems

In the next post you can download a presentation which includes useful and relevant information when dealing with mental health problems. We hope you like it and find it useful.

You may view or download it below with just one click

physical activity for people with mental health problems

*Ng, F., Dodd, S., & Berk, M. (2007). The effects of physical activity in the acute treatment of bipolar disorder: a pilot study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 101, 259–262.

*Ösby, U., Correia, N., Brandt, L., Ekbom, A., Sparén, P., (2000). Mortality and causes of death in schizophrenia in Stockholm County, Sweden. Schizophrenia Research 45, 21–28.

*Richardson, C. R., Avripas, S. A., Neal, D. L., & Marcus, S. (2005). Increasing lifestyle physical activity in patients with depression or other serious mental illness. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 11, 379–388.

*Richardson, C. R., Faulkner, G., McDevitt, J., Skrinar, G. S., Hutchison, D. S., & Piette, J. D. (2005). Integrating physical activity into mental health services for persons with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 56, 324–331.

Adapted Material: Low cost cross trainer

Here we show the adjustment that has been made on a cross trainer so that it can be used by a disabled child.This means that the child can move with the aid of a motor, without this help they would not be able to move the machine. They are suspended in the air whit a harness  ensuring their safety and provides them whit more control over their bodies.

This adaptation make is possible for people to move their legs and remain standing. It is made with inexpensive materials, so the price tag is an attraction.

There is a Url which you can watch to see more interesting, low cost machinery… Enter the webpage:  for more information.


.         IMG_2904    IMG_0863

Games adapted for students with mobility disabilities

There are a variety of games that can be adapted to people with any disability, then some games adapted for students with mobility disabilities I leave:


CONTENT: basic motor skills and speed.


– Human: An educator.

– Space: Space broad plain, bounded on two lines of refuge at a distance of 5 to 10 meters of each team will be scored. These are parallel to the teams.

– Materials: Not required.

– Temporary: 30 minutes.

– Number of participants: 2 teams of 10 players max.


The educator forms two teams of 10 components and places formed two parallel rows, separating two rows at a distance of 1.5 to 2 m and 1 meter between each row. Then the teacher assigns a row the «face» name and the other «cross». If you name one team, for example cross, they must flee being persecuted by side to try to catch them before they reach the line of retreat. Each player can only catch the adversary who has either. Catches of each team to decide who the winner will be counted.


  • When pairing participants will take into account that couples are as homogeneous as possible. Close attention to avoiding trapping students who move on crutches or in wheelchairs collide with peers or endanger their physical integrity be provided. It was therefore allow the student with mobility disabilities can trap an opponent with a touch without having to grab to catch it.
  • Depending on the level of mobility and autonomy of students with disabilities, one may incorporate a foam ball so that students caught throwing others.


CONTENTS: Body Knowledge and relaxation.


– Human: An educator.

– Space: Space broad plain, bounded.

– Materials: Not required.

– Temporary: 20 minutes.

– Number of participants: 20-22 participants. (For couples)


The teacher asks students to pair up and explains that one of them will play the role of fellow sculptor and sculpture. The sculptor has to make a sculpture with the body of the partner, moving his limbs and body parts, while the partner who is assigned the role of sculpture must remain static as the way you of your partner. After the sculpture this must guess it is. Then the roles are exchanged.


  • If a participant has motor disabilities will have to be addressed placement for ease of movement.
  • If participants to present balance problems, participate seated.
  • If there are players with great affection in the upper extremities will give verbal instructions to teachers to sculpt his companion.


CONTENT: basic motor skills.


– Human: An educator.

– Space: Space broad plain, bounded.

– Materials: A ball of yarn.

– Temporary: 5 minutes.

– Number of participants: 25-30 participants.


The teacher puts students form a circle separated from each other by 1, 5 meters or more and then gives the ball of yarn to a player who should read aloud to the group who happen gripping one end of the wool . And so on until all the group members are united by the wool forming together a star. You can repeat the action until the wool clew runs out.


  • The educator should you pay attention if the ball hits the ground and in the event that this technique is done with students with great motor impairment in the upper extremities, express the name who will head the ball and teachers will launch for them.

school of open

Ríos, M. (2007). Manual de educación física adaptada al alumno con discapacidad. Paidotribo